Plastic People
People on boats collect recyclable plastics from the heavily polluted Citarum River at Batujajar in Bandung, West Java. Timur Matahari/ AFP
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People on boats collect recyclable plastics from the heavily polluted Citarum River at Batujajar in Bandung, West Java. Timur Matahari/ AFP
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A canal filled with styrofoam and plastic at Obalende, Lagos. Benson Ibeabuchi/ AFP
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A boy plays on a drain covered with household waste in Bogor on December 2022
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from rubber tire dresses to flip-flop waterfalls, @stephangladieu documents the fashion of congo’s trash crisis in ‘homo détritus’ [Via].
"A protected site on paper, the Cerron Grande reservoir is one of Central America’s most polluted bodies of water."
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Pedestrians cross a bridge over a polluted area in the capital city of Dhaka
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"As we have deepened our practice we’ve found, like archeologists, that each bit of what we find opens into a pinpoint look at the whole of human culture."