"Podem ainda não estar a ver as coisas à superficie, mas por baixo já está tudo a arder" - Y. B. Mangunwijaya, escritor indonésio, 16 de Julho de 1998.
A human smuggler scouts through the border wall to make sure the U.S. border patrol is not around before sending migrants into the U.S. from Mexico, as the number of migrants surges in the border town of Lukeville, Arizona, December 12. Reuters/ Go Nakamura
A migrant girl waits for some food to be handed to her through the border wall as migrants gather between primary and secondary border fences, near San Diego, California, May 10. Reuters/ Mike Blake
This aerial photograph taken on September 19, 2022, shows the US - Mexico border wall cutting across a hill in the desert, near San Luis Rio Colorado, Mexico. Guillermo Arias/ AFP
"Ronald Rael and Virginia San Fratello have long worked in activating structures in projects that blur the line between art and architecture. The Oakland-based duo, who self-describe as pursuing “applied architectural research”, also have a longstanding interest in the United States-Mexico border wall. In 2009 Rael wrote Borderwall as Architecture, which features a conceptual drawing of a teetertotter. The concept relocates the classic playground equipment to the border wall as its fulcrum. Ten years later, this cover art came to life in the neighboring communities of Sunland Park, New Mexico and Colonia Anapra, Mexico."
Como diz "o outro", não há almoços grátis e, como alguém vai ter de pagar o muro, Donald Trump, o "empresário" de sucesso alçado a Presidente da maior potência mundial, arranjou maneira de cada consumidor norte-americano desembolsar 20% a mais de cada vez que comprar um produto made in México.
Pobre almita tão meiguita; Deste corpo sociazita; Que para uns duros lugarzitos; Escuritos, desertitos; Sozinha ao presente vás; Ai nunca mais brincarás...