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"Podem ainda não estar a ver as coisas à superficie, mas por baixo já está tudo a arder" - Y. B. Mangunwijaya, escritor indonésio, 16 de Julho de 1998.

||| O Mal

por josé simões, em 03.06.15









«In a sequence of images, some of which are far too brutal to publish, the jihadis are seen with the men on the roof of the building before dropping them to their deaths.

In one chilling shot, a man wearing a blue tracksuit is seen being dangled over the edge of the building by his ankles by a leather-jacketed ISIS jihadi just moments away from letting him fall.

A second shots shows the blindfolded man tumbling through the air in the sitting position with his legs outstretched as he hurtles towards the ground.

The building is approximately 100 feet tall, giving the condemned men several seconds of harrowing free-fall before impacting with the ground.»





||| Obrigado Durão Barroso

por josé simões, em 11.06.14




Obrigado W. Bush, obrigado Tony Blair, obrigado José Maria. Mission accomplished.


«Insurgentes do Estado Islâmico no Iraque e no Levante ligado à al-Qaeda tomaram Mossul, a segunda cidade mais importante do Iraque.»