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"Podem ainda não estar a ver as coisas à superficie, mas por baixo já está tudo a arder" - Y. B. Mangunwijaya, escritor indonésio, 16 de Julho de 1998.

Rage Hard

por josé simões, em 09.05.22


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Girl stands on the tower of a destroyed Russian tank near Makariv village, Kyiv region, Ukraine, May 7, 2022. Mikhail Palinchak


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por josé simões, em 01.03.22


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Newly married couple Yarina Arieva and Svyatoslav Fursinb, left, pose for photo after they joined the ranks of the city territorial defense the day after they got married in Kyiv, Ukraine, Friday, Feb. 25, 2022. [AP Photo/Mikhail Palinchak]


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