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"Podem ainda não estar a ver as coisas à superficie, mas por baixo já está tudo a arder" - Y. B. Mangunwijaya, escritor indonésio, 16 de Julho de 1998.

“N’América” (*)

por josé simões, em 28.11.07
O post começa com um lugar comum português: “O dinheiro não estica”, e o "estica" abrange inventar uma guerra ou apoiar um ditadorzeco amigo por exemplo; acaba com uma notícia made in USA; cada qual que tire as suas ilações:
“Hundreds of hospice providers across the country are facing the catastrophic financial consequence of what would otherwise seem a positive development: their patients are living longer than expected.
Over the last eight years, the refusal of patients to die according to actuarial schedules has led the federal government to demand that hospices exceeding reimbursement limits repay hundreds of millions of dollars to Medicare.
The charges are assessed retrospectively, so in most cases the money has long since been spent on salaries, medicine and supplies. After absorbing huge assessments for several years, often by borrowing at high rates, a number of hospice providers are bracing for a new round that they fear may shut their doors.”
(Link e imagens aqui)
(*) Refrão de um tema dos Xutos & Pontapés