In Memoriam
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Holocaust survivor Margot Friedlaender arrives to the Walther-Rathenau-Prize ceremony to receive an award for her efforts as a witness to the crimes of National Socialism and her commitment to tolerance and understanding, in Berlin, Germany, Monday, July 4, 2022. AP Photo/ Markus Schreiber.
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Sobreviver a quatro campos de concentração durante o Holocausto para depois ser morto por um míssil de Putin e ter três pessoas no funeral.
Imagem:Family members of Borys Romanchenko attend the funeral of the Holocaust survivor in Kharkiv as Russia's attack on Ukraine continues, Ukraine. Romanchenko was a 96-year-old Holocaust survivor, who was killed at his apartment during a shelling. Reuters/ Thomas Peter
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Chess Sets Used by Jews During the Holocaust
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Gucia (Wald) Teiblum, a young Holocaust survivor, knitted herself a sweater in Bergen-Belsen DP camp. Using the unraveled wool of German soldiers' socks, she fashioned a new life and identity for herself.
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Dia Internacional em Memória das Vítimas do Holocausto
Annette Cabelli