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"Podem ainda não estar a ver as coisas à superficie, mas por baixo já está tudo a arder" - Y. B. Mangunwijaya, escritor indonésio, 16 de Julho de 1998.

"Hello, is it me you're looking for?"

por josé simões, em 12.04.23


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A printed t-shirt that reads "Hello, is it me you're looking for?" found on a deceased migrant whose remains were recovered from a Mauritania boat on May 28, 2021, is laid out at the Scarborough police station on the island of Tobago, Trinidad and Tobago, Friday, Jan. 21, 2022. AP Photo/ Felipe Dana


[Link na imagem]





War, What Is It Good for? Absolutely Nothing. Capítulo 42

por josé simões, em 22.04.22


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Loss and horror during week of burials and tears


[Link nas imagens]





"See in black and white, feel in slow motion" *

por josé simões, em 14.03.22


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Elderly residents cross a destroyed bridge while fleeing Irpin, outskirts of Kyiv, Ukraine, Sunday, March 13, 2022. [AP Photo/ Felipe Dana]


[* "I drown myself in sorrow until I wake up tomorrow"]