Sign O' The Times, LXI por josé simões, em 18.08.20 Have you been struggling to study or work from home during lockdown? Alvaro, 10, Roxana, 16, and Juan Carlos Cabrera, 13, have to climb to the top of a hill in search of mobile phone signal in order to attend their virtual classes. The three siblings live in the remote highland community of Conaviri in the Peruvian Andes, and since their school closed because of the virus they have had to rely on their phones to access the "Learn at Home" platform. Peru imposed one of the earliest and strictest lockdowns in Latin America to stop the spread of coronavirus - but has still seen cases rise rapidly. Sign O' The Times, Capítulo LX Tags:afp photocarlos mamanicoronavíruscovid-19escolafotografiafotojornalismoinstagramperú link do post favorito