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No Instagram do The New York Times
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No Instagram do The New York Times
Sign O' The Times, Capítulo XXXIV
This is probably the most impactful picture I have ever taken
Richard Grant, Army Veteran. Aspiring Journalist and Photographer. CSULB Class of 2021 Photographer for Cal State Long Beach and the @Daily49er.
"Woe to you, oh, earth and sea
For the devil sends the beast with wrath
Because he knows the time is short
Let him who hath understanding reckon
The number of the beast for it is a human number
Its number is six hundred and sixty six
666, the number of the beast
Hell and fire was spawned to be released"
Pessoas defensoras de políticas económicas e sociais que ao ínfimo sopro geram uma legião de desempregados e sem-abrigo, partilham nas redes vídeo onde sem-abrigo fica sem os poucos pertences que tinha, apanhado que foi no meio de um protesto contra as políticas que as pessoas que partilham o vídeo defendem. Se calhar são todos de câmaras governadas por comunistas.
[Imagem "A person cleans off a wall after protestors spray-painted it a night earlier, during nationwide unrest following the death of George Floyd, near the White House, in Washington", Reuters/ Tom Brenner]
Os motins por George Floyd no Instagram do The New York Times
O assassino e o assassinato de George Floyd.